Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Estate of the Union

Or so it seems because it feels like it's going to be a post-mortem. I'm just dreading it. I'm afraid that tonight Obama is going to cave to the Right for no reason as there's nothing to be gained. They won't play ball, so all it will do is piss off his base and the Repuglicans will find myriad points  over which to criticize him anyway. They ALWAYS will. He cannot do right to them and he should glory in that fact. They are the ones who are perennially in the vest pocket of Big Business and the White House has GOT to find a way of making clear to the idiotic American public that that is the case and has been for a long, long-ass time. It has to be a way that is undistortable and a way that can't be turned inside out by anyone as craven as La Palin or the Beck Shriek-O-Matic or any of the people who actually do their thinking for them.

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